STEM Engineering
Instructor- Mr. Darin Powell
672 Introduction to Design Processes (INT DES PRO) DOE# 4794
Introduction to Design Processes is a course that specializes in modern design and engineering processes with a focus on creative problem solving in developing, testing, communicating, and presenting post-evaluation of products. Students use the design process to analyze research, develop ideas, and produce products solutions. This process gives a framework through which they design, 318 Indiana Department of Education 2021-2022 High School Course Titles and Descriptions manufacture, test, and present their ideas. Students will demonstrate and utilize design principles and elements for visual presentation. Designing aspects will also cover aesthetics, ergonomics, the environment, safety, and production. The design process is a core-learning tool for many courses enabling the student to solve problems in a systematic, logical and creative manner. Students develop a good understanding of the way the process helps them think creatively and develop aesthetic ideas. The design process encourages the students to engage in higher level thinking to create solutions for many types of problems.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 or 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
- Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
674 Principles of Engineering (PRNC ENG) DOE# 5644
Principles of Engineering is a course that focuses on the process of applying engineering, technological, scientific and mathematical principles in the design, production, and operation of products, structures, and systems. This is a hands-on course designed to provide students interested in engineering careers to explore experiences related to specialized fields such as civil, mechanical, and materials engineering. Students will engage in research, development, planning, design, production, and project management to simulate a career in engineering. The topics of ethics and the impacts of engineering decisions are also addressed. Classroom activities are organized to allow students to work in teams and use modern technological processes, computers, CAD software, and production systems in developing and presenting solutions to engineering problems. Schools may use the PLTW curriculum to meet the standards for this course.
- Recommended Grade: 10, 11
- Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
- Fulfills a science course requirement for all diplomas
- Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course
673 Civil Engineering and Architecture (CIVIL ENG) DOE# 5650
Civil Engineering and Architecture introduces students to the fundamental design and development aspects of civil engineering and architectural planning activities. Application and design principles will be used in conjunction with mathematical and scientific knowledge. Computer software programs should allow students opportunities to design, simulate, and evaluate the construction of buildings and communities. During the planning and design phases, instructional emphasis should be placed on related transportation, water resource, and environmental issues. Activities should include the preparation of cost estimates as well as a review of regulatory procedures that would affect the project design.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design; and Principles of Engineering Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
- Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
- Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course
675 Digital Electronics (DIG ELEC) DOE# 5538
Digital Electronics is a course of study in applied digital logic that encompasses the design and application of electronic circuits and devices found in video games, watches, calculators, digital cameras, and thousands of other devices. Instruction includes the application of engineering and scientific principles as well as the use of Boolean algebra to solve design problems. Using computer software that reflects current industry standards, activities should provide opportunities for students to design, construct, test, and analyze simple and complex digital circuitry software will be used to develop and evaluate the product design. This course engages students in critical thinking and problem-solving skills, time management and teamwork skills.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design; and Principles of Engineering
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
- Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course
679 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (COMP INT MFG) DOE# 5534
Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a course that applies principles of rapid prototyping, robotics, and automation. This course builds upon the computer solid modeling skills developed in Introduction of Engineering Design. Students will use computer controlled rapid prototyping and CNC equipment to solve problems by constructing actual models of their three-dimensional designs. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of robotics and how this equipment is used in an automated manufacturing environment. Students will evaluate their design solutions using various techniques of analysis and make appropriate modifications before producing their prototypes. NOTE: This course aligns with the PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing curriculum. Use of the PLTW curriculum may require additional training and membership in the PLTW network.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design; and Principles of Engineering Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
- Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course